ANOTHER SPECIES is designed to closely support its models and provide highly attentive guidance in the development of their local and international careers. Our highest priority is to ensure that the models meet their full potential.
The team at ANOTHER SPECIES has a deep understanding of the impact of poor management, which is why we are so committed to honouring the well-being of our models by providing distinctive assistance. One of our main strategies is to manage our models’ careers with a clever balance for their needs, wants, and current trends.

In recent years, model agencies have become much less intimate organizations, sometimes representing over 200 models. We believe that our closer focus on personal development and state-of-the-art management distinguishes us from other agencies. We firmly believe that having an honest bond with the model is key to propelling them into a fulfilling career. That is why ANOTHER SPECIES is highly selective with representation, ensuring the finest level of support and management.
ANOTHER SPECIES represents some of the industry’s most well-known and fastest up-and-coming faces. Regardless of your location, we are interested in hearing from you. We always look forward to building up new talents.